
This screen stores any applicable termination details. For a current employee, this screen will be blank. When an employee leaves the company, this screen holds details of their termination. When a previously terminated employee returns to work, their file can be easily re-commenced. This saves data entry and means that a thorough history of the employee is on record for audit purposes.

Open the Employee File.

Viewing an Employee's Termination Details:

If an employee has accumulated leave entitlements and other payments which need to be paid out, then they must be terminated in the payrun. Employees who do not receive termination payments, such as casuals, can be terminated by simply placing the termination date in the Termination Date field.

  1. Once the employee file is open, select the Employee Name on the left.
  2. Click the Termination tab.
    If the employee has already been terminated in the payrun, the details will be available here.
  3. To terminate a casual employee, complete the following details:
Field Explanation
Termination Date A date in this field marks the employee as terminated and filters them out of the payrun. If you terminate the employee in a payrun, payroll will automatically enter the termination date in this field.
Termination Reason Enter the reason for the employee's termination. Select <<Add New>> to create a new entry. 
Recommence Date If a terminated employee is re-commencing employment with the company, enter the date here. You must remove the Termination Date from the field above.
Notes Enter any notes relevant to a termination or a re-commencement, e.g. original termination date.
Payment Summary You may select it if you wish to record that the employee has received a Payment Summary, but it will not exclude the employee from the Payment Summary print run at the end of financial year.

Terminating Employees:

There are two methods of terminating employees in the system:

  • Employees who have accumulated leave entitlements and other payments which need to be paid out must be terminated in the payrun. When the payrun is updated, the termination date will be automatically inserted here, marking the employee as terminated and filtering them out of future payruns.
  • Employees who do not receive termination payments, such as casuals, can be terminated by simply placing the termination date in the relevant field.

Note: A warning message will be displayed if you are attempting to terminate an employee who is also an Administrator for HR3people (or HR3kiosk). This acts as a reminder to ensure that the role of HR3people Administrator is assigned to another employee.

Archiving Employees

Archiving is an important step in managing ongoing costs of your HR3pay license. Employees who have been terminated in a previous financial year can be archived to remove them from your 'licensed' employees, thus freeing up that license for use by new employees. Details of archived employees are stored on file for audit and reporting purposes. Archived employees can be easily re-instated if they return to work. There is a legal requirement to keep employee records on file for audit and historical purposes.

If an employee file has been created in error, you can always edit the name to indicate the file should not be used, or re-use the record when the next new employee is being created.

You may only archive an employee if they meet these conditions:

  • The employee must have a termination date entered in their file (pay particular attention to casual staff who may not have been officially 'terminated').
  • The employee must have no YTD figures in the current financial year.


Individual employee can be manually archived if they meet the required checks specified above.

  1. Open the employee file using an F3 search.
  2. With the Employee name selected in the left-hand column, click the drop-down arrow for Archive Functions (on the toolbar).
  3. Select the Archive option from the menu.

A message will confirm that the employee has been archived.


The Archive Terminated Employee Wizard is used to automatically archive all employees who meet the required conditions.

  1. From the Navigator go to Payroll | Year End | Archive Employees.
  2. The archive employee wizard opens on screen.
  3. Select a locked financial year (i.e. select the year ending value of the required financial year). If the required year is not listed, it has not yet been locked.
  4. Click next to begin archiving.
  • Click Export if you wish to save a list of the employees who have been archived, otherwise click OK to exit.

Recommencing Employees:

Where a previously terminated employee returns to work for the company, their file can be reused by recommencing them. The method depends on when the employee was terminated:

One off payments

If you need to make a one-off payment to a terminated employee, you may not need to re-instate them. For example, you may need to pay an outstanding bonus or termination payment. In the employee pool, terminated employees can be filtered into the payrun by selecting terminated filter. Any monies paid will be included on their Payment Summary at the year end.

Terminated in the current financial year:

  1. Remove the termination date and reason.
  2. Enter the re-commencement date.
  3. Click Apply to save changes and re-instate the employee. The employee will be immediately available in the payrun employee pool.
  4. The original termination date and reason can be recorded in the comments area.

Terminated in a previous financial year (archived):

Employees who were terminated prior to the current financial year will have been archived to free up their employee license. To recommence them:

  1. Select the employee name on the left
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Archive Functions button on the right
  3. Select Re-instate Archived from the menu.
    The termination date will be cleared and the recommencement date will be set to today's date.
  4. Click Apply to save change.
    The employee is immediately available in the payrun.